Despite everything, it’s still you.
Born into a world of faults, first swaddled in the darkness of a ripperdoc’s hidden office. Cast into the streets days into your existence. You’ve seen death, you’ve seen hatred. You’ve seen life, you’ve seen love. And you looked to this kingdom of chrome and looked to its false gods and said: “I will do better.”
Vale Entropy, who goes by V, is an emotional individual, someone who feels and feels until they’ve burnt themselves out. Never one for the quiet, slow life, V lives each day to the fullest and like it’s their last. There is no hiding how they feel, as they put their heart on their sleeve and take every gig and sidejob they can. Growing up on the streets of Night City, they’re bound and determined to end up as one of Night City’s greats! A legend who brings about a badass new renaissance for Night City!

Existence is nothing if not random chance, facts of our lives determined by certain rolls of the dice and where we rolled them. If, perchance, our lives were left to the decisions of let’s say a ten sided die. Ten choices, ten chances, ten paths for someone’s life to go down. And then that path branches into ten more. And then ten more and so on. With all these branches meeting up: V was born in Night City, December 10th, 2054.
Vale was born to Vertigo and Averell, last names omitted due to corruption in their NCPD files, thanks to a nice little virus that wiped most of their personal info off of the board. Vertigo and Averell were both interesting people, ambitious criminals who never expected to let a bump in the road like pregnancy get in the way of their crimes. A few days after they were born, post-partum waves hit heavy and Vale was left on the doorstop of one, lonely rockstar.
Jack Entropy. Jack was a smart man, someone who faced his fair share of demons while trying to protect his new child from the monsters under the bed. While he was not a perfect father and somedays his skills faltered, Vale was spoiled with attention and their empathy was nurtured by Juno Vox as well. Father and Mother, neither ever expecting their paths to meet with a newborn in need of care. But, it seems that the mercenary life had its eyes on Vale since day one.
Broken bones, torn flesh, bloody noses, black eyes, sleepless nights, but it's all worth it to Vale when they're able to save lives and make an impact on the world. They just want to make the world a better place. They just want to make it to the major leagues. And what did the major leagues have for V? Cyberpossession. Vale lost their best friend's life just to be cyberpossessed by a part-time rock legend, full time terrorist inhabiting a chip embedded in their neck. They just gotta get some help and Johnny will be gone and everything will be okay, right? ..R̶i̶g̷h̸t̶?̴